Social Media Followers and Tips for Engaging Them


Building and nurturing social media followers is an art, involving persistence, integrity, focusing on expert subject line, making threadbare communication and, of course, sharing knowledge. Oftentimes, you may feel doing all these things like trying to be the most popular kid in a school and cracking some kind of highly selective popularity with a unique secret code in order to successfully connect with your target audience. Fortunately, the majority of social media users have finished high school and therefore winning those users’ hearts could easy if right and timely content is shared.

A study on the psychology of sharing actually reveals a few different kinds of social media users, whom you may also call followers. They all may often feel drawn to your social media posts, your content, and your overall brand persona, and there may be a variety of reasons that differ from one another.

In order to engage them, you have to first of all decide which follower type you’re targeting, how they communicate on social media and most importantly, what you can offer them.

Here are 5 types of social media followers. You may get an idea how to engage them with your brand.

Career-oriented Followers: If you belong to any career-focused group, such as LinkedIn, you may likely to have noticed a few number of ‘Influencers’ who post articles very frequently, and often ask questions and initiate conversations around their industry. They know which content to share, which questions to ask and when to ask. They also know very well which platforms to use in order to maximize their professional image. These people shape and develop their online persona in order to be seen as thought leaders and experts in their fields. LinkedIn is their first choice and they appear on Facebook occasionally.

In order to engage these social media users, use B2B service, produce relevant content filled with clear-cut, useful advice and industry insights. Ensure that you are well-represented on LinkedIn and your content is thorough and has achieved legitimacy in order to attract these followers.

Trendy followers: Trendy followers tend to be young, popular and creative. These people live on the top of the latest and greatest fads and due to this reason, they would like to connect with you provided you provide them with the ‘cool’ factor. Like trying to get in with the football captain and prom queen, these followers may be hard to capture, but doing so yields highly significant results since they are regarded as influencers among their peers.

In order to engage them, do campaign across Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, and the likes. Put out short, to the point information only before them. You may also use high resolution photos and sleek designs into your content to capture their attention.

Sociable Followers: A substantial number of people worldwide share their content online so as to connect to people with similar interests. They use social media platform absolutely in the way it was intended for, which is to connect socially with others. Consequently, they like to engage only with those whose interest and thought layers tend to be similar. These people usually prefer to use Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

In order to engage them, use content as a springboard to initiate discussions with them. So, make the content informative, interesting and to the point. Try to mix humor or a bit of controversy (without intending to hurt anyone) and make sure to hold out the content as relevant. See content on Buzzfeed as example.

Attention Seekers: Majority of social media users use the platform as a means to get attention and seek validation from others. View content on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and so forth. You can see their contents containing pictures, articles, or status changes. In a word, these attention seekers are all about themselves and shaping their online personas to achieve the most ‘likes’.

In order to engage these people, post contents or initiate interactions which command attention. Photo/video campaigns, contests, use of controversial contents with shock values could be all the great ways to attract an attention seeker.

Choosy Followers: If attention seekers are all about grabbing attention, choosy followers are those who use social media to communicate with people they already have relationships with and could care less about impressing them through such channels. They tend to follow a brand when they have personal kind of connection to the products or content or their messaging. Choosy individuals rarely follow, for they want only exclusive top-notch information that could either help them personally or their friends and colleagues.

In order to engage these individuals, try providing exclusively researched, actionable content, which must be including numbers and statistics to back up your claims without being too heavy. In addition, the title got to be firmly to the point, displaying precision meant to get out of your content. Infographics, high resolution images, well-designed layout can be believable in this regard, because content into them shows to have backing up with substantial facts.

Wrap-up: Doing all these may appear to be difficult but not impossible by any means. You need to classify and segment your potential followers, adjusting your social media strategy to be approachable and providing the right sort of content. These will do the job smartly. For it, you can contact smart social media strategist, who can create strategies in favor of your site and brand.


By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!



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