In this technologically advanced world, the accessibility of the web pages in different platforms is essential to improve the organic ranking of the website on the top SERP results. It is often seen that due to lack of the websites to load on the platforms like mobile devices, the website loses its potential to appear on the top SERP results and lack to improve the website visibility on the digital platform. Due to this reason, in the present times, various applications are used to manage the efficiency of the website on different platforms that make them user-friendly for the people. There are many applications, which are utilized to the increase the versatility of the website on various platforms but the most utilized one is AMP. This application is receiving a huge momentum among the businesses as using this application makes the website more user-friendly and facilitate various benefits at the same time.
What is AMP? AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages is an open-source framework that enables the formation of mobile-friendly pages and delivers content quickly. AMP basically serves as an application that ensure that the web page is mobile-friendly in nature. This application is a way to build web pages for stagnant contents, which render fast. AMP consists of HTML, JS, and Cache libraries, which make the website more user-specific and accelerate load time for mobile devices, even if, they feature ‘highly-rich’ contents like PDFs, video or audio, infographics, etc.
Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP is a bare-bone version of a website’s mobile pages. This application displays the contents that matters but gets rid of all the elements that take a toll on a website’s speed and performance.
Considering the importance and necessity of AMP, a list of Pros and Cons are mentioned below to provide a glimpse to the positive and negative effects of using AMP.
Pros of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)Although AMP is not a ranking factor, but still it leaves a positive effect on the mobile ranking of the website because of its faster loading time on all platforms.
AMP plays a significant role in improving the website load time on all platforms and makes it more user-specific and mobile-friendly.
The usage of AMP helps a website to generate tons of traffic from mobile that reduces the load on servers and help improve the website’s overall performance.
Cons of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)AMP is very useful in increasing the loading speed of the website. But, it largely depends on the cache, which in turn is a definite negative side of using AMP.
AMP though supports Google analytics but requires different tags that need to be implemented on all AMP pages, which in a certain manner limits the usage of analytics for the website.
Using AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages limits the potential of the website to generate revenue through ads. This is one of the most significant cons of using AMP as an application that makes the website more mobile-friendly.
Having the list of pros and cons mentioned above, it is mostly recommended to not use AMP, if you already have a mobile-friendly website. This is mostly advised considering the diverse range of positive and negative aspects of using AMP. So, it is mostly recommended to use AMP only for website critical pages like info pages, blog posts, etc.
By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!
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