In search engine optimization link building is a vital factor to get more appreciations from search engines. It is not only the matter of highlighting a blue line and make the hyperlink, but the glittering text also matters. This text is technically known as anchor text.
Suppose, you are involved in link building process for your shoe shopping website and you have made a link to a restaurant house. Another thing is that you have highlighted the text as “featured shoes” and after clicking on the same, the users find that there are only featured prices rather than different products. So, in both cases you are doing wrong. Your off page optimization should always focus the guidelines of the giant search engine; otherwise you will not get satisfactory result or appreciation. Here are some guidelines that I have placed to produce some effective back links with proper anchor texts.
First, to start the campaign, you have to specify the back links those are targeting back to your site. You can check the same using the following tools: -
Google’s webmaster tools
1. Simply Frame Diverse Phrases
For optimized ranking we always try to highlight our keyword in the anchor texts, but this repeated use will have no result. Google can easily specify that you are using the common anchor texts for promoting your site and there will be no positive outcome in ranking or traffic.
So, it will be better to use the respective keyword in such a diversified way that Google does not get the glance of making such trick. For example, If your targeted keyword is your company name “X”, then you can use it in the following diversified way: -
Know more about X
Click to visit X
Go to X
Check the website X
All these diversified phrases are highlighting the same and that is your company name. Though it is a back-dated method of anchor texts framing, you can still follow the same for bringing variation in the anchor texts.
2. Check Your Competitors
Practically, if you have to use the primary keyword “buy books” in the back link, you may also check the competitor’s backlinks and anchor text. With such analysis you will get the glance of framing some diversified anchor links. In each of the used key terms in back links you can check the search volume.
In the above snap you can check that the keywords like “buy books online”, “buy back books” or “buy cheap books” are the most searched keywords. So, if you are operating a book shopping site, you have to omit these common anchor texts. You can use the same like “I have brought cheaper books”. It also means about the source of cheap books.
Moreover, the core aim is to omit the targeted keywords and try to launch some exceptional phrases that bring the same thought.
3. Check The Distribution of Anchor Text
After framing the varied anchor texts, you have to be alert about the distribution. Get the definite contrast of the amount of the total back links and compare your diversified keyword related anchor texts in a marginal way.
There is no strict guideline of using such anchor texts on a limited basis, but in case of using the same in many places; it brings the same issue of keyword stuffing. Make sure that your linking profile does depend upon the same keyword overall. If you have framed 15 anchor texts, then distribute them in a sharable mode. Do not be afraid that your anchor text distribution does not match industry standard or competitors, some exceptional and fruitful strategies are always welcome by the industry.
4. Fix the Over Optimized and Ineffective Anchor Texts
Sometimes many over-optimized anchor texts fail to gain traffic. After the implementation, you can specify the same phrases and try to fix them as early as possible. Your immediate actions should always follow SEO best practices. It is very evident that the ineffective texts will not be appreciated by the search engines as well as the industry.
So, these are all about the framing and implementing of anchor texts. What have you experienced? There are many references that can enrich your knowledge graph regarding diverse anchor texts. Analyze all the resources and do not forget to place your opinion. Share this article in your social circle to gather more and more resourceful responses.
By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!
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