How to Optimize Google and Other Search Engines Like Bing with SEO Effort Simultaneously?

Google is the giant in the world of web where as Bing is the newcomer. Google throughout the world has acquired around 65.73% of the total market share. After the launch of Bing in earlier 2009, Bing has acquired only 9.35% market share in the Globe. It is very true that Bing has not acquired enough power to threat Google. Besides that, as it is the most emerging and increasing search engine the SEO and marketers have to think about Bing. Likewise the others are also on the way like Yahoo or Baidu. However, Bing and Yahoo are dominating around 30% of the total market shares.
  • Why you should Proceed with Bing Also?
Due to Bing’s upward growth and popularity it is important for the SEOs and marketers to think about Bing optimization. It is a fact that most of the website owners target Google for optimization process. If you are choosing Bing at the same time, you are quite way ahead from your competitors. This means you are in front of the 30% users those are using Bing and Yahoo and can gain better visibility and audience that your competitors may not get. There may be a fluctuation in ranking position after several algorithm updates of Google and at the same time you may hold the audiences come from Bing and Yahoo.

Differences between Goggle and Bing

  • SEO Similarities between Google and Bing: -
The two emerging search engines Google and Bing have several similarities in the field of SEO. So, to optimize both the search engines it is very necessary to go for the similar issues at the beginning. i. Local Results: - Google and Bing both have extra stress on local search results. So, you can use the strategies like keyword framing and local business listing for the both at a time. In case of local search optimization for both the information should be consistent. That means the Google and Bing information should same like Yelp, Yellow pages or Dmoz. You should know that local search spiders collect business information more from such local directories than your own address or phone number listing. In this concern I have to say that Bing always stress upon local businesses whereas Google always go with larger and popular sites on the web. ii. Link Authority and PageRank: - The off page SEO factors like pagerank and link authority is determined in the same way by the both Google and Bing. So, you can understand the necessity of quality link building for the both. Bing has provided a link building tool to understand the value of back links. Basically Bing has an autonomous algorithm factor that considers content quality, inbound and outbound link quality and finally the relation between the content and keywords. Google has the same algorithm for link building. So, for efficient SEO you may practice the link building strategies for the both at a time.
  • SEO Differences between Google and Bing: -
Beside these SEO similarities there few distance between the both. If you are going to operate both the search engines you have to know the differences also. i. Social Signals: - Google has not included well social signals in the search results as Bing has done. Bing, being a new search engine has put extra stress on social media and easily can detect shares, tweets, pins and likes. From practical experiences, it has been found that Bing always stresses privileges on the basis of social signals in a site whereas Google gives the priority to high profile links that are made to a particular site. So, in case of ranking social signals as well as high profile links matter for both but differently. Practically, it is also evident that Bing is unable to track data from Google+. ii. Keyword Matching: - Google has the algorithm to determine the synonyms of the words you are using in the keywords, but Bing has not shown such efficiency. So, it is recommended to use specific words while framing keywords for Bing. iii. Page Authority and Domain Reputation: - Google does not prefer additional tribute for aged domains and according to some experts it has shown less importance for .edu or .gov sites. On the other hand Bing has special importance for the aged domain and it also favors the sites like .edu or .gov in a better way. iv. Flash and Dynamic Contents: - Google does not like Flash, but Bing has some special weaknesses with such digital content and graphics. Google generally stress upon textual contents where as Bing favors contents having pictures, audio and video files. So It can be said that Bing needs high quality and dynamic contents and this will be better fruitful for both search engines. v. Double Meaning Search Queries: - When Google finds that the search query has an ambiguous meaning, it prefers to show the result from popular sites associated with that phrase, but in the same case Bing will show the local result at first. vi. Technical Factors: - On page technical factors as well as off page factors have great importance in both the cases of Google and Bing. Bing is totally dependent upon title tags, Meta description and keywords; Google is more advance in case of homepage outranking and internal pages. It is critical to make crawling with Bing as it detects roughly the first 100k of the web pages. How can you place the important elements within such limit? On the other hand Google has quite matured to crawl 100 k of page elements. Google supports 301 redirect for permanent URL and 302 for temporary redirect whereas Bing has no such option to support 302 and in most of the cases Bing does not allow to index the site altogether. The reason behind this is that the termination of Bing Crawler by the Meta refresh whereas Google supports a Zero second Meta refresh.
  • Some key Measures for the SEOs and Marketers :-
i. Always try to frame mixed keywords that can satisfy both Google and Bing. A long tailed keyword is always appreciable by Google for more specific search. On the other hand you should use verbatim keywords for Bing. ii. Don’t be stressed with the pair of optimization. If you have well optimized your site for Google, it will also suit Bing. Actually Google and Bing are the both sides of a coin. iii.Sometimes Bing prefers usages of flash and the same thing is about Google. So, try to use such digital content on a limit that should not hamper page loading speed or create other issues. It cannot be said that one should optimize a site for both Google and Bing. There is no doubt that Google has always the first priority due to the high conversion and at the same time Bing can be prioritized for its optimum growth. On the other hand if you are thinking to gain the same higher ranking for a same highly competitive keyword, there will be nothing to gain. Practically it will be a copyright issue and technically it is quite impossible due to oppositional featured algorithm of the both. In earlier January, 2012 Google blamed that Bing had been copying the search results. So, it is recommended to analyze all the mentioned issues before starting the simultaneous optimization process. So, these are all about Google and Bing. As Bing is about to spread the wings, the marketers and SEOs should start the campaign right now. Do not forget to place your valuable comments to make this article more resourceful. Offer a chance to your friends and followers to opine for the article by sharing the post to your social circles.

By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!



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