Facebook is the top most social media platform used by millions of users, globally. This platform is essentially a predominant place, where digital marketers promote their products and services. By utilizing this platform, one can effectively reach their target number of customers and promote their products and services. The top SEO consulting firms in India and abroad consider Facebook as an integral part of the digital marketing. This is because Facebook is the most popularly used social media platform. A topic that starts trending in Facebook becomes the top talk of the people around the world. The best part of this platform is that it interconnects people sitting at entirely different geographical location.
From the time Facebook has been introduced, various features have got add-on to Facebook that has made the usage of Facebook more user-friendly. One of the latest features of Facebook is its latest related article widget. Now, Facebook shows the related articles widget before you actually open and read an article. The articles that Facebook shows you are based on your interest or the latest searches.
With this new feature, Facebook wants you to think that whether a headline is true by showing several more articles in the related topic. This feature has made it important for the writers to sharply concentrate on their article titles as that will play a critical role in grabbing the attention of the readers. This latest feature of Facebook does not aim to harm the visibility of the publishers in the news feed, but in fact aims to provide people access to different perspectives and information, including the third-party fact-checkers.

Facebook has originally launched the related article feature in 2013 to surface more interesting and useful links about a certain topic you just read. But, because of experiencing heavy criticisms for allowing fake news to proliferate in the year 2016, during US presidential election period, Facebook started working with the third-party fact checkers to append warnings to disputed articles.
Later, Mark Zuckerberg has elaborated in his humanitarian manifesto that one of the best way to combat problems was by broadening people’s views. The best way to do this is by introducing a range of perspectives that naturally broadens the thought process.
There are many publishers, who might not be excited about their related article feature of Facebook and may potentially fearing that their competitors will hijack their readers because of this related article feature. But, according to Facebook, it is clearly stated that the new related article feature is just a test and so it will not necessarily roll out to everyone unless it proves to be useful. Also, there will be no ads surfaced in new Facebook related article feature.