The digital platform is a place that experiences constant changes and updates every day. Organizations competing in this platform require to keep themselves up-to-date with the latest trends of the online podium so as to avoid lacking behind of others and make the most out of this digital platform. Each day either the major search engines or social network sites introduce changes that open up a wide range of opportunities for the digital marketers. The top digital marketing companies in India believe that remaining updated with the latest trends and happenings of the digital medium makes you more versatile and efficient to withstand the challenges of the online platform. Recently, like many other important updates, the giant social media platform “Facebook” has introduced an update. The update is an extended support to Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages by Facebook Instant Articles.
In 2015, when Facebook decided to introduce instant articles, it has completely changed the way online users consume articles. Facebook instant articles have brought a revolution in the way people consume content on this social media site as this feature has cut down the loading time of the articles to almost an instantaneous level while you read content from your favorite publishers on Facebook. Following this update by Facebook, Google has launched their own version of fast loading web-pages that is referred to as Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is due to AMP that now you can experience faster loading time of WebPages from partner publishers while you search for news on Google.
The latest update by Facebook has rolled out support for AMP as a part of its open source instant articles software development kit. The new SDK of Facebook will have an extension that allows the publishers to create content in the instant articles, Accelerated Mobile Pages, and Apple News Format. This new feature rolled out by Facebook has also enabled unique customization options.
This new update has been marked with an interesting and unexpected move from Facebook that is previously pushing its own instant articles format as the only fast loading article format allowed on the network.
With this update, Facebook is hoping to address the problem of creation of multiple versions of the same content to share in different platforms.
Thus, this new Facebook update has come up with many new features that make the customization of content immensely flawless. You can experience faster loading times, when reading articles on Facebook or Google AMP after this update by Facebook.
By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!
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