The digital marketing platform is the most competitive places, where one can only sustain if can cope up with the everyday changing trends and updates introduced by major search engines. The updates from Google major search engines help the online marketers to match up with the current trends and effectively market on the online medium. The topmost SEO consulting companies in India always try to keep themselves up-to-date with the latest search engine updates so as to achieve better search engine rankings and online identity.
Recently, a major ranking algorithm update is rolling out that is seems more likely to target the link quality aspects. This update is rolling out in the digital platform but has not yet received any confirmation from Google. This update is making the news from yesterday morning among the webmasters. This recent link quality ranking algorithm update is often termed by many as “Fred” update.
Furthermore, a lot many chatters and reports of changes from the black hat SEO community are been encountered randomly that generally indicates that this is a spam algorithm update around the quality of the links. Last time Google has introduced a spam-related update in the early February this year.
Many of the automated tracking tools are recently showing up significant volatility and fluctuations that generally indicates an update by the major search engines, mostly Google. In addition to that, all the ongoing industry ranking rejoices and declines indicates that there is likely a major Google update on ranking algorithms.
Thus, while everyone knows there is an update by Google related to ranking algorithms, Google is yet to declare the same. The most interesting thing to watch here is that whether Google confirms this update or like the earlier ones decline to accept that there is any update by Google.
By Professional qualification a Computer Engineer, By Profession an Online Marketing Strategist and Web Application Development Expert, By Industry position working as a CEO at Zebra Techies Solution!
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